Futuristic Windowless Airplane Concept - Would You Dare to Ride?

This futuristic windowless airplane concept now circulating online. This windowless airplane let the passengers to see all around outside.

Surveys are conducted on how citizens find this new concept of commercial airplane. Several people said that this airplane is awesome and they will try it..

Kamo mosakay mo ani nga windowless airplane? UK company is now trying to create this airplane.

While the Centre for Process Innovation's concept to eliminate cabin windows isn't new, it says it can be done in the next 10 years, reports The Guardian.

The high tech, lightweight screens would be constructed from organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). Currently, the technology is expensive and sensitive to moisture so CPI is looking to develop flexible glass OLED panels. OLEDs are lighter than LCD or plasma screens and do not need a backlight to be seen. 

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