The Reason Why do Boholanos have a "J" tongue

Trivia 101: Why do Boholanos have a "J" tongue?

Famous phrase such as "Wa jamo"

Antonio Pigafetta - An Italian scholar and explorer from the Republic of Venice. He traveled with the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan together with his crew by order of the King Charles I of Spain on their voyage to the West Indies and Philippines. He was instrumental in the translation of the Cebuano (also known as Visayan language) to Spanish language by his account of events of their voyage as written in his famous journal.

Its origin can be traced way back from the Spanish period. Bohol was one of the major colony settlements during that time as evidenced by the many stone structures built all around the island that we still see today.

The Spanish language has certain letters that are pronounced differently from the English alphabet, for example letter J is pronounced as H in Spanish (i.e. Jaime), double "LL" pronounced as Y (i.e. llave - keys, llantas - tire rims). Interestingly Y is pronounced as J. Spanish word like playa meaning beach is pronounced as "plaja" . The most famous phrase that Boholanos are being quoted for is the phrase "Wa jamo", the word "jamo" is derived from the Spanish phrase "ya no" pronounced as "ja no" meaning "no longer" and it also means "nothing more". Even to this present day, Boholanos are still pronouncing "Y "as "J" including the Visayan vernacular words and phrases.

So every time you hear a Bol-anon pronounced "J" in their words and sentences, think of it as a Spanish cultural influence deeply embeded in the Boholano tongue.

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